How does reading online (or over the phone) work and is it different from getting an in person reading?
I work no differently in person vs online. I communicate directly to your spirit and as it turns out, spirit energy has no sense of time or space. I’ve moved my practice completely online in 2020 and haven’t noticed any change in the quality of the readings I’m able to offer.
How do I know which service to choose?
The most common service I offer is the clairvoyant medium session. It’s likely the best place to start if you’re booking your very first session with me. The other sessions offered are tailored to the specific needs of women, pets, children, or your home space. I always offer free 15 minute consultations so feel free to book one if you’re needing help deciding which service best fits your needs.
What’s the difference between psychic reading, healing and mediumship?
In my practice I integrate all three modalities into each session, but here’s a sense of how they differ from one another.
Reading: When I read, I’m using my clairvoyance, ie, the ability to SEE energy. Think of it as looking through a photo album of your memories but in my case I’m looking at the energy in your aura and your body. Sometimes I find memories or trauma or other people’s information and I then use tools to move the energies that are taking up space where your own information and answers could be instead.
Healing: The healing work I do is all about MOVING energy. I use gentle tools to make shifts in your body and aura and really focus on bringing in your higher self, your own true energy. For the client this is very much an experience of receiving, rather than understanding analytically what is happening. Healing portions of your session are often quiet, with a bit of communication around what I’m noticing clearing or changing in your energetic space.
Mediumship: When I am working as a medium, I am COMMUNICATING with beings (alive or passed) who might have information, tools, higher possibilities and/or support to offer. Sometimes this means communicating with higher level beings/spirits such as goddesses or archangels and other times with people in your life who have passed, which can help bring closure, answers or connection.
Do you predict the future?
Although I could read the energy of the future, I believe nothing is as rich as having your attention on yourself in present time. I believe in free will and that energy can change at any moment, therefore, I don’t read the future because the now is what’s important.
What you'll need for your session:
Please be in a quiet place, free of distractions for the duration of the reading. It is not appropriate to be in a public place, like a coffee shop or a restaurant. It is also not appropriate to have other people observing or in the room with you while you are getting a reading.
Please silence and turn off your notifications on your phone, computer, and/or devices so you will not be distracted during the reading. Close all other applications and have the video classroom maximized.
If you would like to record the session please have your device ready before the session.
You may also take notes. Please have video on for the sessions on Zoom or FaceTime.
Create a relaxed environment for yourself with comfortable seating where your feet can be flat on the ground.
Have a way to hydrate accessible to you during the reading.
After your session:
After having a session it’s helpful to be in communication with your body, and really listen to it. Give to yourself accordingly, whether it be more sleep, nourishment from a specific type of food, or release of energy through moving, dancing, singing, creating etc.
Your body will need time to refill with your own energy and giving to yourself will help this process. By doing so, you’ll be validating and sustaining your process of healing. Your own energy is your power!